The New Beauty in a Mask
It's time to shine even when wearing a mask


A lavender mask is an interesting choice but it can make your skin appear sallow and dull. So use a purplish hint on your eyes to create translucency. Go with slightly thin eyebrows for a sophisticated makeup.
  1. 1. Blend Eye Glow Gem BR384 on the eyelids, creating a soft-smoky effect.
  2. 2. Draw a line with Gel Eyeliner at the edge of your eyes. Blur using an applicator.
  3. 3. For slightly thin and elegant eyebrows, try Pencil Eyebrow GY002. Use light strokes to create the effect.
  4. 4. Brush Long Lash Mascara BK001 on lashes.
1. Apply Powder Blush RD401 along the cheekbones. Try a sharper angle for a more elegant look.
1. Apply The Rouge Velvet BE801 on lips. Remove excess by gently pressing with tissue paper. This will stain the lips for a long-lasting effect.
Featured Makeup
EYES: Eye Glow Gem BR384  
Long Lash Mascara BK001  
Pencil Eyebrow GY002  
FACE: Powder Blush RD401  
LIPS: The Rouge Velvet BE801