Frequently Asked Questions and Enquiries

Why does my product contain surfactant?

There are many different types of surfactants. The surfactant used in beauty products has only been added after undergoing strict safety checks. Surfactant is a very useful ingredient in beauty products, and is widely used. They are substances that enable the blending of water and oil, water and air, water and powder and other combinations, and help with emulsification, foaming, adsorption, wetting and dispersion. For example, water and oil do not mix naturally, but add a surfactant, and fine droplets of oil will be dispersed in the water, and conversely, fine water droplets can also be dispersed in oil. In other words, a surfactant can maintain a stable state in which water and oil are combined in a hyperfine state. *The “sur” from “surfactant” refers to a “surface”, specifically the border of the surface of two substances.


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